Thursday, July 11, 2013

I am so sorry that I was unable to attend the memorial service for your wonderful mom, Penelope Swenson, Dr. Swenson. I was part of a cohort of students that she mentored and guided us thru the Masters in Education--mine in Educational Technology. She took a chance with us varied group of Orthodox Jewish (the first cohort) women, from all over the world to create a cohesive wonderful learning environment. She challenged us and taught us so much, and opened my mind up to so many new things in education and technology. During that time, many of us shared life experiences both good and sad (my father passed away during that time), and she was filled with sage advice and caring. Family was always so important to her. After the program, she remained a mentor and advisor in my life. I've enjoyed both the more formal interactions and the informal, thru facebook and her blog. I will cherish the memories. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.

Laurie Solomon Cohen
Silver Spring, Maryland
I worked as a principal with Penny when she was at Mojave. It is so hard for me to take in the fact she is gone. To me, she was always ‘bigger than life’ so to speak. I had a tremendous admiration for her and so enjoyed seeing her from time to time when she would attend the county CAC meetings. We were bound by our Mojave experiences, but beyond that I did not know her very deeply. What I do know was that she was a wonderful person, a loving mother and wife – so dedicated to her family, she was a deeply moral person and deeply devoted to her beliefs. She was highly professional and a wonderful thinker. Even though I did not see her often, I feel her absence in bewilderment that she is gone so soon. She meant so much to me. Please be comforted in the love she left on this earth and know there are many, like me, that you may not really know, but who knew her and loved her and will be missing her too. I am so sorry for your loss and hope that time and faith will comfort you.

Philomena Hall

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hi Cristina,

The flag is at half staff today. I took a couple of pics for you. 

Jana Barton

(Thank you so much, Jana!!!)

I am sorry for your loss and sad that I am unable to attend her service, but would like to thank you for sharing your mother with many people you will never meet. Since I am not sure if the facebook message made it through, I am also sending these fond memories of your mother to your email address.

Your mother was a great inspiration to many of us who were fortunate enough to have her in classes. Besides the instruction she imparted regarding the Educational Administration, she also offered pearls of wisdom for life, a couple of which that have strengthened my resolve and placed renewed hope in my future.

Pearl #1.

"Don't think of your dissertation as the last thing you will write. (Get it done) and move on to more projects." (She actually said "throw up on it")

This helped remove my paralyzing fear of failure when things were not going perfectly. My mind could let go, step back and look at imperfections, refine them, and even create an entirely new way of looking at a problem. If that didn't work, then I could move on to something more.

Pearl #2.

"Always save back enough money in case you have to go without pay. You may be asked to do something that you feel you cannot do with a clear conscience. You don't want the fear of losing your job causing you to give into something you feel is wrong."

In a day and age when jobs are hard to come by, this can become a real threat to a person's resolve to do what they think is right. Your mother's comment reminded me that all jobs, including education, have the potential for a moment of moral battle. I can thankfully say that I have not caved in and continued to stand up for what I feel is right and in the best interest of my students' education.

Dr. Carla Frost Ed.D. 2008
I have couple thoughts I'd like to share about Penny.
First she was very proud of her family. She loved to talk about everyone's accomplishments. She always had positive, constructive thoughts concerning you all.
Next she loved a good bargain! It was always fun to hear about a particularly wonderful item she had just scored. I am a kindred spirit in the shopping realm and enjoyed her tips and tricks.
Finally the story I'd like to share is about spending the wee hours of the morning in the monster van driving around NYC in the middle of a riot! I was so impressed with how expertly she negotiated the crazy streets in that huge van with the NYC Police converging all around us on foot and even horseback. I had never seen so many policemen in one place at the same time and there she was calmly driving us away from the chaos. I don't think much of the film that was shot that night by Imaginarium was actually used in the movie but we shared quite an adventure and had a unique view of New York as well!
She will certainly be missed but I'm certain she will be watching over all those she loves.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We'll all miss you so much. You were a fantastic, shining example of womanhood, and your intelligence and wit astounded me. Thank you for being my friend, and we'll see you soon.

Shiloh Elizabeth Beazel
Friend, partner, mentor, and muse Penelope Swenson passed away [Saturday]. Words cannot express how much she brought into my life and the lives of so many others she touched, encouraged and loved.

Lloyd S. Curtis
For those of you who had Penelope Swenson as a friend, mentor, or professor, she passed away quietly yesterday.

Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers. She was a friendly, amazing, intelligent woman who helped many of us obtain our masters and doctoral degrees!

Gretchen Skrotzki
In Bakersfield, as a new teacher and young man in a new city, I found a mentor and friend in Penelope Swenson while at CSUB. I am saddened to say that she passed away too abruptly. Our world has lost a wonderfully optimistic, energetic, and motherly soul, but the heavens have gained one hell of an angel...

Andrew James
My heart is breaking - Penny was such a great friend. Always there to minor and guide. A true advocate for all her students. We all will miss her so much.

Randy Schultz
I was saddened by the loss of Penny Walters Swenson. We go back to Santa Clara high school and the University of Southern California. Penny's intellectual range was enormous. Her hair was red. She was the editor of the Hi Times, the high school newspaper. I remember one visit to your family home when I met her father the California Highway Patrol officer. He was drinking iced tea. During one semester in high school penny received all A's. Her scholarship at USC was in journalism. We were in a small values seminar in our senior year at USC with a stellar professor, J Westley Robb. After USC we lost each other for decades. However in the last five years we have reconnected on Facebook and two visits in Tehachapi. she was enormously proud of her children and grandchildren. We discovered I have friends on Lummi Island where her mother lives. I've never met Walter, her husband, or any of her children and I stay saddened by your loss. By the way, did I mention Penny's hair was red.

Stan Hajduk
Penny, my heart aches for your family and friends. One of my fondest memories is setting down to dinner here in Texas with Matthew and Christopher.

You encouraged Chris and gave him guidance to finish his PhD. You were that inspiration that lit a fire in him. Your stories were fun to listen to as well; very witty and fun loving. What more could we ask for? We are all truly blessed to have had as part of our lives. Till we meet again.

Love from Texas
The Olsen Family
I miss you Penny. Thank you for encouraging me in my education all the way through. It was comforting coming from you because you have already walked a similar path to PhD and knew what I was going through. Keep on teaching and inspiring. You are marvelous and I know you are already doing great things on the other side. Till we meet again.

Christopher Olsen
I've been thinking about Penny a lot these past few days. It's hard to imagine that she has passed on. I could always turn to her for such fantastic parenting, technology and educational advice. She was the epitome of a Christlike woman and friend. I will miss her dearly!

Cristin Goodrich Lassen
I will miss Penny. We had offices next to each other for a while and we would have long conversations about education, children, teaching. She was ways so supportive and interested in my research on western medicine and childbirth. I will miss Penny dearly.

Allison Evans Fluckey